The conclusion of the Infinity Saga was like an event of a lifetime as Infinity War and Endgame literally brought everyone to their knees and made sure that decades of movies all boil down to two culminating films leaving everyone in awe of the events that transpired. From Thanos collecting the stones killing characters we all love, to the Avengers trying to make sure ho wouldn’t snap, to Thanos being victorious snapping half of the universe out of existence, to five years of waiting before a solution came up, to the Avengers travelling back in time for the stones, to Hulk blipping everyone back, and finally, to making sure that Thanos would never repeat it all so Iron Man sacrificed. This is the story of a whole decade concluding into two films. The blip became a central point in the movies and shows after Endgame with WandaVision dealing with Wanda’s grief and resorting to embrace being Scarlet Witch, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with Sam and Bucky dealing with the world with no Steve Rogers and who will be the new Captain America, Loki with his escape from Endgame and what happened next, What if..? with the multiverse opened, and more. The emergence in Eternals surely forms part of the events after the blip as the event has been mentioned multiple times in the movie with Dane asking Sersi why they never helped the Avengers against Thanos and with Ajak mentioning that the snap of Thanos delayed the emergence. Were any of them blipped?
Were The Eternals Blipped By Thanos?
The answer lies in their very nature – they cannot be blipped. In an interview with CinemaBlend, Chloe Zhao shared this insight on the Eternals as regards being snapped by Thanos, “Well, I can’t say this out loud, but if you think about what the Celestials told them. If you think about what the Celestials told them about themselves, technically they can’t get blipped.” Talking to Arishem, Sersi learned the truth that they are basically androids, that while they look like humans, they were specifically made with memories erasable. They never age, this is apparent to each of them, mostly on Sprite. The six infinity stones work together for a reason and the soul stone determines the life to banish or blip back. The Eternals doesn’t have that to begin with. In short, all ten Eternals were just watching as everyone turned to ashes, how the world tried to patch things up from crumbling, how people helped each other cope up with such a sudden loss, how they all tried to rebuild the Earth, and how every hero got together to bring everyone back. See Eternals in Disney+.