Uta’s Manga and Anime Appearances
Uta is a new character that was made specifically for One Piece Film: Red which was released in Japan back in August. She is the daughter of Red-Haired Shanks and is known as the most popular singer in the world. Typically, One Piece movies are considered non-canon. While One Piece Red is also not canon, Uta is an exception. Ahead of the movie’s release, Uta was confirmed to be canon. This was also confirmed when she made an appearance in the manga. While it was a short appearance, this supports her status in the series’ canon. This is because fans consider anyone that appears in the manga to be an official character. Aside from her manga appearance, Uta also appeared in the anime series. To promote the film’s Japanese release, two flashback episodes were aired back in late August. Specifically, Episodes 1029 and 1030 featured flashbacks to Luffy and Uta’s childhood. These episodes recounted how the two met along with their relationship with Shanks. Despite her anime and manga appearances, there’s currently no info yet on Uta’s status in the series’ present storyline. After all, the events of the film are not official. READ MORE: Is One Piece Film: Red’s Uta Alive?
One Piece Christmas Episode
This weekend, Uta will make another appearance in the anime, but not in the way that some might expect. Instead of making an actual appearance in the story, Uta is instead going to appear in an animated end-card sequence for the episode. This makes sense as Uta can’t make a sudden entrance during the Wano Country arc. In her end card appearance, Uta will be wearing a Santa Claus outfit. Aside from the anime’s broadcast, the special sequence will be broadcast at Shibuya in Tokyo and at Dotonbori in Osaka from December 19 to 25, 2023. Fans of Uta will also be in for a treat after the episode airs as she will continue her TV live tour with a special performance at NHK’s New Year special broadcast. There, she will perform alongside some of Asia’s biggest musical artists. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: Does Uta Have Devil Fruit Powers in One Piece Film: Red? Source: One Piece’s official website and Twitter account