Chisato and Takina’s peculiar partnership in Lycoris Recoil has caught the hearts and eyes of the anime community. With their deadly lycoris skills, they are candidates for the best anime girls of the summer season.
She is ranked last on this list because people dislike her more than they like her. Due to her strict personality, Kusunoki has kicked out Takina from the headquarters. Except we know why she assigned Takina to the LycoReco café in the first place. Takina suffered the consequences of her actions as a result of her carelessness. To make amends for her error, she chose to sacrifice Takina and move on. It’s a good thing Takina can eventually find a place where she truly belongs. Shinji is a founding member of the Alan Institute. He is obsessed with Chisato, whom he frequently plots to eliminate for whatever reason. When he’s in front of Chisato, he acts friendly, even fatherly at times. Shinji, on the other hand, is concealing a secret from Chisato. So far, it appears that Shinji is well-versed in Chisato’s identity. In any case, he is a frequent Lyco Reco customer and a close friend of Mika. At one of their operations, Erika was held hostage by one of the bad guys. Due to her mistake, their flow of operations has been disrupted. Before she got killed in action, Takina decided to save her rather than wait for further instructions. It’s a very good thing that Erika feels guilty about Takina’s reassignment. Not only is she concerned about Takina, she also wants her back. Unlike the others, Erika believes that Takina did the right thing. One day, Erika wants to thank Takina personally and work with her again. It feels so much better to see Chisato put Fuki in her place after she abandons Takina. After all, she deserved it! Instead of blaming everything on Takina, a red-uniformed Lycoris like her should be held more accountable. She is unable to make a decision in the face of a pressing situation, unlike Takina, who trusted her instincts and saved Erika. It only gets better when Chisato and Takina defeat them in the mock battle. Unfortunately for her, Fuki can only do so much in front of Chisato. In the end, Takina did well to leave Fuki’s group! Sakura’s character is more interesting to watch because she is a feisty young woman who enjoys challenges. Despite her inexperience, she is confident in her abilities and plans to defeat Chisato and Takina. Sakura was unfazed when they lost. She intends to use it as an opportunity to advance as a Lycoris agent. It’s a good thing Sakura is there to support Fuki. They must learn from one another and get to understand each other better. Mika, aside from his important role, is a very likable character. He has a lot of power over Chisato and knows everything about her. He is in charge of Chisato’s clients as well as the overall disguise of the Lyco Reco café. Without him, Chisato and the others will struggle to go about their daily lives as Lycoris agents. Mizuki is very entertaining to watch because of her bubbly personality and love of alcohol. Furthermore, her unexpected plans, unbeknownst to Chisato and Takina, always get the best of us. Mizuki stands out among the group due to her intelligence and strategic planning. Her role is critical because she gathers intelligence for Chisato and Takina to use. Kurumi was previously known as Walnut, the hired hacker who hacked the DA’s Radiata system during the firearm’s operation. Shinji directed his men to kill Kurumi once the job was completed. Kurumi signed a contract with the Lycoris agents in the café to accompany her and find refuge. She ultimately decided to seek refuge at the Lyco Reco café in exchange for work. Her presence in the café adds to the series’ entertainment value. When there are tense situations in the café, she provides comic relief. Since she loves to play games, it is very enjoyable to watch her master each one of them. Moreover, her knowledge of all things advanced also makes her a vital character in the series. Takina’s changing personality is the star of the show! Takina, despite being apathetic and cold towards others, changes whenever she is with Chisato. Takina has gradually changed since she was paired with Chisato. She was only concerned with doing her job properly at first, but she now appears happier and more vibrant than ever. It’s amusing to see her do silly things with Chisato because she’s an aloof girl. Takina deserves credit for trying harder than anyone else, from finding the best girly underwear to reenacting a fish. She is the type of person who always brings out the best in others when she is around. Chisato would easily take the top spot as the best character in Lycoris Recoil, not only because she is the main character, but also because she truly deserves it. Chisato is known as the most powerful lycoris agent ever. However, little is known about her past. Unfortunately, it appears dark, considering Chisato’s metal heart from the Alan Institute. In any case, as the plot progresses, we will be rooting for Chisato and the other characters in the series!