Well, it turns out that Zaslav and company had something huge up their sleeves as we finally learned the merger’s long-term plan for the DCEU. Among the projects that will be part of the franchise’s future slate are Wonder Woman 3, The Flash 2, an untitled film helmed by James Gunn, and shockingly enough, the long-awaited comeback of Henry Cavill’s Superman.The Hollywood Reporter notes that while Warner Bros. Discovery executives have made it clear that they want Cavill back for what essentially will be Man of Steel 2, J.J. Abrams and Ta-Nehisi Coates’ DC project which is said to feature a black Superman is “still on track”. Now, before you start scratching your heads or even raising your eyebrows, the said project which was originally believed to be a reboot set within the DCEU will actually take place outside the franchise’s main continuity. It was initially speculated that the project will be centered on either Val-Zod or Calvin Ellis but as it stands, nothing has been confirmed.Also Read: Man of Steel 2: Henry Cavill’s Superman Sequel is Finally in the WorksSo far, the DC film franchise has created two separate universes outside the original continuity and it looks like it’ll be a recurring theme with the new regime. While it would be safe to assume that Abrams and Coates’ Superman project will fall under Matt Reeves’ The Batman universe, the idea of it being set in its own universe doesn’t sound too farfetched as that seems to be WB Discovery’s plan.Meanwhile, DC’s Black Adam is hitting cinemas this Friday, October 21st.