In House of the Dragon Episode 5, we are immediately brought to the Vale where Lady Rhea Royce is out hunting for deer. Although her cousin Lord Gerold Royce offers to join her, she chooses to go on the hunt alone. Rhea’s hunt is interrupted by the arrival of Daemon Targaryen who doesn’t say a word. She isn’t pleased by his return, taunting him for being passed over as heir of the Iron Throne. As she ponders what Daemon intends to do with Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhea realizes that her husband plans to kill her and tries to defend herself. However, he causes her horse to rear up, making her fall.
As Rhea lay injured, she continues to insult Daemon as he walks away. However, it is revealed that he has fetched a rock to bash her skull in. It’s interesting to see that Daemon himself had actually murdered his wife. In Fire and Blood, Rhea Royce did fall from her horse and crack her skull while she is out hawking. However, she didn’t die immediately, having lingered for nine days before succumbing to her injuries. House of the Dragon certainly takes a different direction, making Daemon Targaryen actively ensure the death of his wife so he could take another. With that in mind, there are set to be more major changes in the series soon. House of the Dragon Episode 5 is now streaming on HBO Max. House of the Dragon Episode 6 is titled The Princess and The Queen and will premiere on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST.