The House of the Dragon Episode 4 preview offers a conundrum: Who will be the true heir? Will it be King Viserys I Targaryen’s brother, daughter, or baby son? We also see Daemon Targaryen’s return to King’s Landing where he declares that he has been named King of the Narrow Sea. That’s not the only thing that King Viserys I Targaryen has to worry about. Otto Hightower reveals that he has “discomforting news” and although we don’t learn what it is, the rumors are clearly causing some distress to the king and Rhaenyra Targaryen.
So what are people saying around King’s Landing? There is little doubt that it has something to do with Rhaenyra Targaryen. In addition to that, there is a possibility that it might also involve Daemon who tends to get on people’s nerves all the time. Although Daemon might not be the most loved character in King’s Landing, he has amassed millions of fans thanks to what happened in House of the Dragon Episode 3. In House of the Dragon Episode 3, Daemon sets off to put an end to the War of the Stepstones by surrendering to the Crabfeeder. However, it’s all just an act as he launches an attack aided by his men and the dragonrider Laenor Velaryon. The episode concludes with Daemon Targaryen killing Craghas Drahar in a truly bloody and gruesome (albeit offscreen) way. Still, the last few minutes of House of the Dragon Episode 3 had fans cheering on the rogue prince’s successful takedown of the Crabfeeder and his men. House of the Dragon Episode 3 is now on HBO. House of the Dragon Episode 4 is titled King of the Narrow Sea. The new episode will premiere on HBO on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 9:00 PM EST.