The behind-the-scenes look was shared by Twitter outlet @DbsHype. As you can see below, the animator breaks down the process of animating the intense battle between Piccolo and Gamma 2, one of the two androids Dr. Hedo created for the newly-revived Red Ribbon Army. The fight shows the Namekian’s new “Smooth Piccolo” form. Watch the behind-the-scenes clip for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero below:
If you’ve already seen the leaked spoilers, you’d already know that Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 are not the movie’s main antagonists. Instead, Gohan, Piccolo, and other Z-Fighters are fighting Cell Max, the gigantic and overpowered version of the classic Dragon Ball Z villain. You can read the official synopsis for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero courtesy of Crunchyroll here: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was released in Japanese theaters on June 11, and it’s set to arrive in the U.S. and the U.K. on August 19. Crunchyroll already revealed official theatrical release dates for other regions.